SGA provides full graphic design, pre-press and proofing services. All SGA designs are developed in Design and Prepress Department.  The department has a team of talented packaging designers, color separation specialists, and digital retouching specialists

Our graphics department operates both PC and Macintosh systems with applications such as Quark, Macromedia Freehand, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Photoshop.

To stay at the forefront of market trends, our design team also coordinates with Sales and Marketing, gaining knowledge on market trend on different geographical location.

Precision calibration and total control in-house mean your package has high impact, best possible printing quality and strong, clear images.

  • Computerized Design Studio with MAC and IBM Platform for pre-print
  • Quick modification of customer files
  • In-house scanning, color correction, digital retouching
  • Pre-press systems tightly calibrated to SGA's presses

What you see on your proof is exactly what is delivered



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